El Contrato de Mutuo para Financiar Vivienda Frente al Parágrafo 3º del Artículo 42 de la Ley 546 de 1.999
The mutual contract to finance housing facing the third paragraph of the 42nd article of law 546 of 1999
Resumen (es)
Con el presente escrito, se busca hacer una análisis completo sobre la legalidad del contrato de mutuo para financiar vivienda y los intereses máximos a cobrar en esta clase de créditos, de conformidad con la nueva legislación de vivienda (546 de 1999) y las problemáticas presentadas respecto del parágrafo 3o del artículo 42, que desde el punto de vista jurídico generaron interpretaciones contrapuestas en los diferentes estrados judiciales que conllevaron a una inseguridad jurídica para los deudores y acreedores hipotecarios. Así mismo se efectúa un análisis completo sobre la Sentencia de Unificación SU-813 de 2007 proferida por la Corte Constitucional, que resuelve la problemática anteriormente descrita, en pro de la defensa de los derechos constitucionales de los deudores, pero, que sin duda alguna deja sin protección legal a los acreedores financieros y a los terceros de buena fe.
Palabras clave (es):
Contrato de Mutuo, Inseguridad Jurídica
Resumen (en)
With the present writing, it is searched to make a complete analysis
on the legality of the contract of mutual to finance home and the maximum
interests to charge in this type of credits, according to the new legislation of home
(546 of 1999) and the problematic presented according to paragraph 30 of article
42, that from the juridical point of view generated interpretations opposed in the
different juridical stages that lead to a juridical insecurity for the mortgage debtors
and creditors. In the same fashion a complete analysis is made on the unification
sentence SU-813 of 2007 emitted by the constitutional court, that resolves the
problematic previously described, in favor of the defense of constitutional rights of
debtors , but, that without a doubt leaves without legal protection the financial
creditors and the good willing third parties
on the legality of the contract of mutual to finance home and the maximum
interests to charge in this type of credits, according to the new legislation of home
(546 of 1999) and the problematic presented according to paragraph 30 of article
42, that from the juridical point of view generated interpretations opposed in the
different juridical stages that lead to a juridical insecurity for the mortgage debtors
and creditors. In the same fashion a complete analysis is made on the unification
sentence SU-813 of 2007 emitted by the constitutional court, that resolves the
problematic previously described, in favor of the defense of constitutional rights of
debtors , but, that without a doubt leaves without legal protection the financial
creditors and the good willing third parties
Palabras clave (en):
mutual contracts, juridical insecurity
Cómo citar
Carrillo Rivera, A. (2016). El Contrato de Mutuo para Financiar Vivienda Frente al Parágrafo 3º del Artículo 42 de la Ley 546 de 1.999. Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi, 6(2), 257-270. https://doi.org/10.15332/s1909-0528.2011.0002.12
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