La manipulación de la escena del delito, valoración y exclusión probatoria
Staging and manipulation of a crime scene: valuation and evidentiary exclusion
Resumen (es)
Este artículo pretende mostrar la importancia de la escena del delito como insumo principal del acervo probatorio con el que el juez tomará la decisión sobre un caso en particular. La escena del delito debe permanecer incólume para que pueda brindar evidencias y pistas con el único objetivo de llegar a la verdad. Para ello es necesario establecer la responsabilidad de quien llega primero a la escena de los hechos, qué debe hacerse con esta, y cómo debe guardar la fotografía de la escena en cuestión, de manera que los investigadores puedan reproducir el pasado. Por tal razón, se trata deelementos esenciales para determinar realmente qué fue lo que sucedió.
Palabras clave (es):
escenificación, escena del delito, primer respondiente, valoración probatoria, exclusión probatoria
Resumen (en)
By legal mandate, the Criminal Judge of Knowledge must support their decisions on all
the evidence submitted in the process, among other principles, respect for the principle of
consistency, however, this principle and others may be altered in the process by handling who
makes the first respondent, individual or individuals, called to ensure the scene of the fact that
the circumstances of time and place mode, in which an alleged crime takes place, are intact.
The line with the above, constitutionally first responder function lies with the members of
the security forces, which have the possibility of becoming, if necessary, on Judicial Police,
particularly members of the National Police. For these, the goals, objectives and responsibility
within their role in the state, are referred to in Articles 2, 6 and 218 of the Constitution
of Colombia, and that despite this, ie, to have clear rules and adequate preparation, some
members of this body of police, have been involved in behaviors that transgress the primary
objective of maintaining indelible crime scene.
These situations, the community has generated mistrust of justice, do not believe the police
organization, unaware of the effectiveness of it and consider this act, as a new form of false
positive, urban, and where relevant and highly known to the public, where possible, having
the obligation to secure the scene of the crime, involved in the alteration thereof.
the evidence submitted in the process, among other principles, respect for the principle of
consistency, however, this principle and others may be altered in the process by handling who
makes the first respondent, individual or individuals, called to ensure the scene of the fact that
the circumstances of time and place mode, in which an alleged crime takes place, are intact.
The line with the above, constitutionally first responder function lies with the members of
the security forces, which have the possibility of becoming, if necessary, on Judicial Police,
particularly members of the National Police. For these, the goals, objectives and responsibility
within their role in the state, are referred to in Articles 2, 6 and 218 of the Constitution
of Colombia, and that despite this, ie, to have clear rules and adequate preparation, some
members of this body of police, have been involved in behaviors that transgress the primary
objective of maintaining indelible crime scene.
These situations, the community has generated mistrust of justice, do not believe the police
organization, unaware of the effectiveness of it and consider this act, as a new form of false
positive, urban, and where relevant and highly known to the public, where possible, having
the obligation to secure the scene of the crime, involved in the alteration thereof.
Palabras clave (en):
Staging, Crime Scene, First Responder, probation rating, Exclusion Probation.
Cómo citar
Buitrago Gómez, W., & Téllez Navarro, R. (2015). La manipulación de la escena del delito, valoración y exclusión probatoria. Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi, 9(2), 61-94. https://doi.org/10.15332/s1909-0528.2014.0002.03
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