
Introducción al uso de QALYs y EQ-5D en la evaluación de tecnologías en Colombia

Introduction to the use of QALYs and EQ-5D in assessing technologies in Colombia. A review article

Oscar I Cañón L
Carlos I Rodríguez L

Abstract (en)

The Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) is a measurement to quantify the effect of a specific sanitary intervention on mortality and morbidity. EuroQol 5D (EQ5D) is a measurement instrument for QALYs. This article presents an introduction for its use in assessing health technologies in Colombia.
Keywords (en): Wellfare economy, life quality, EQ5D, utility

Abstract (es)

Los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC), en inglés Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), son una medida que sirve para cuantificar el efecto de una intervención sanitaria sobre la mortalidad y la morbilidad. El EuroQoL 5D (EQ-5D) es un instrumento para la medición de QALYs. En este artículo se presentará una introducción para su uso en la evaluación de tecnologías en Colombia.
Keywords (es): economía del bienestar, calidad de vida, EQ5D, utilidad.
Oscar I Cañón L

Doctor and surgeon of the National University of Colombia, specialist in Health Quality Management and Audit
Of the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano and candidate to master in "Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics" of the University Pompeu
Fabra of Spain. He is currently a full-time professor of Social Security postgraduate studies at the Universidad Santo Tomás, and leader
Of the research group "Health and Equity", classified in category D of Colciencias. In the last two years he has presented five works
In international congresses, with international publications with category A, according to the classification of Colciencias for journals.

Carlos I Rodríguez L

Doctor and surgeon of the Industrial University of Santander, specialist in University Teaching of the University
Santo Tomás, specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions of the University of the Andes, specialist in Administration
In Health of the Industrial University of Santander and master in Socio-Economic Planning of the University Santo Tomás. Actually
Is the academic advisor of the Social Security postgraduates of the Universidad Santo Tomás. Leader of the Research Group "Protection
Social and Public Health ", category D of Colciencias, and researcher of the group" Health and Equity ".






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How to Cite

Cañón L, O. I., & Rodríguez L, C. I. (2011). Introduction to the use of QALYs and EQ-5D in assessing technologies in Colombia. A review article. Revista CIFE: Lecturas De Economía Social, 13(19), 33.