El efecto de la reforma tributaria Ley 1819 del 2016 en los restaurantes tipo franquicia maestra en Colombia
The Effect of the Tax Reform, Law 1819 of 2016, in restaurants like master franchise in Colombia
Abstract (en)
This document examines the main tax changes that were made with the tax reform Law 1819 of 2016 for franchise type restaurants in Colombia, through a financial analysis that allowed identifying the effects that generated changes from the financial perspective, but also tributary. Initially, the fundamental points that motivate the development of the research will be addressed in conjunction with the definitions of the key concepts. Subsequently, a description of the theoretical and legal framework is presented, these being the guiding thread for the presentation of a correct vertical and horizontal analysis of the historical financial statements of a master franchise currently operating in Colombia. In order to calculate the effect of free cash flows, free cash flow is frequently used to value companies, where two scenarios were carried out, the first one did not consider any change to 2016 and the second includes tax modifications from the increase of the income tax and the change of the “IVA”collection of 16 % to a consumption tax of 8 %, with this one seeks to know the value that the franchise win or lost after the reform. The analyzed data allow to conclude the growing problem that presents the model of master franchise integrated vertically and horizontally, due to its sensitivity for its inflexibility in the business model scheme, leaving in doubt its economic viability.Abstract (es)
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