Una nueva medida de capital humano como determinante del crecimiento económico. Un caso empírico por medio de la metodología de componentes principales
A new measure of human capital as determinant of economic growth. An empirical case through the methodology of principal components
Abstract (en)
This paper evaluates an alternative measure of human capital in economic growth models given the drawbacks presented in the estimates by OLS. This procedure is estimated by principal component analysis, which incorporates several related to human capital, one of the key to economic growth according to economic theory variable elements, and thus, superandor several problems exist in educational variables traditionally used to measure this stock and at the same time, making it much more accurate from a conceptual perspective. The measure is then evaluated and verified in traditional crosssectional regressions for 91 countries in the period 1970-2011. The results support the benefits of variable, particularly when controlled by sub-Saharan African countries.Abstract (es)
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