Desarrollo humano y convergencia en economías de aglomeración: un debate entre Amartya Sen y Paul Krugman
Human development and convergence in agglomeration economies: A debate between Amartya Sen and Paul Krugman
Abstract (en)
This paper presents a dialogue between two of the most influential Nobel Economics prize in recent decades: Paul Krugman and Amartya Sen. The central thesis of the job is to raise the need to resort to economic policy proposal advanced by Sen referred to "public goods" to create conditions for development no segregationist in agglomeration economies. This paper shows that the process described Krugman on the growth of agglomeration economies that inevitably leaves stragglers not be near the industrial centers and production are suspended in poverty areas. Thus, the broader notion of "development" using Sen lets go to the creation of progressive mechanisms to lessen such inequality by distributive capacity for expansion policies. The conceptual dialogue between the two authors allows us to build a hypothetical model that has at its center the utility maximization by households (capacity building in the sense of Sen) in a context of agglomeration in perspective Krugman. Ultimately, a dynamic model projection is performed using the Netlogo simulation platform to support the conceptual proposal.Abstract (es)
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