Determinantes del precio del suelo como variable proxy de las preferencias idiosincráticas de los individuos en un marco teórico de equilibrio general
Determinants of land prices as proxy variable of idiosyncratic preferences of individuals in a general equilibrium theoretical framework
Abstract (en)
Urban phenomena are characterized from different theoretical aspects, for example, spatial general equilibrium modeling the behavior of consumers, firms and impacts on mobility densification or random distribution of agents in the territory, which is the problem of the centralized planner of the territory. However, the presence of unobservable elements like idiosyncratic preferences or tastes of the territory owners usually are not moldable, but they are a lock for urban renewal. This article reviews some of the main assumptions of a general equilibrium model and its empirical validity in terms of price dynamics, to finally raise a way to model those unobservable idiosyncratic preferences, using the panel data technique.Abstract (es)
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