Focus and Scope

Campos en Ciencias Sociales is an interdisciplinary publication of scientific and research nature, which aims to offer the academic community a space for debate and dissemination around the social sciences from the knowledge society, understanding this as an interdisciplinary category that analyzes and reflects on the transformations that are taking place in current societies, starting with the massification of knowledge, which is beginning to gain importance and influence in different areas such as cultural, social, political and economic. These areas, on which the journal Campos focuses, contemplate aspects such as:

The territories: understanding them as spatialities not only geographic but also virtual.

Culture, counterculture, identities and social movements (farmer, indigenous, afro, feminists, among others).

Visual communication and cultural products: cinema, television, literature.

The Journal receives and publishes articles from different disciplines of social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, communication, cultural studies, gender studies, history and political science.

Campos en Ciencias en Ciencias Sociales publishes every semester and has a printed and electronic version, the latter with open access that allows its consultation and reading for free.

It is aimed at academics, researchers, professionals, students, and in general, those who are interested in contributing to the discussion in the field of social sciences.

The journal Campos guarantees the different lines of thought and perceptions. However, it has no responsibility for the opinions and concepts of the authors selected for publication.

The articles sent to the process must be unpublished, original, and not submitted to a peer review process in another publication - the papers that are filed in repositories of the corresponding institutions, may be accepted provided that the author, together with the declaration of originality, submits the supports that the document is only filed and not published. The journal receives contributions in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

History of the journal

Campos en Ciencias en Ciencias Sociales  is an interdisciplinary publication in social sciences, with scientific and research nature, born in 2013 from the initiative of creating a new scientific journal from the Division of Social Sciences of the Santo Tomás University - and replacing the pre-existing publications: Cuadernos de Sociología, from the Faculty of Sociology; and Miradas, from the Faculty of Mass Media - and responds to the need to adapt the academic publishing activity to the internal institutional changes and to the new external contextual realities.

In recent years, the Division of Social Sciences has been experiencing a progressive academic growth, mainly with regard to the areas of knowledge towards which it has been extending its interest in study and training, as evidenced by the imminent opening of new programs  —undergraduate degree in Graphic Design and master's degrees in Planning for Development and in Communication, Development and Social Change—, and on the other hand, the reorganization of the research of the Division of Social Sciences in a single center —Center for Research and Studies in Social Sciences, Brother Dominique Pire, O.P. —. These are emerging circumstances that brings forward the dilemma between multiplying proportionally the specialized publications —with the consequent effect of fragmentation and atomization— or combining the different knowledge and identifying among them a convergent center from which to promote unprecedented and perhaps suggestive approaches in the panorama of the social sciences.

Peer Review Process

The objective of the peer review process is to determine the methodological foundation, the theoretical clarity and the argumentative consistency of a proposal. The evaluation of the postulated articles for publication in Campos journal consists of four moments: (1) Reception; (2) Initial evaluation; (3) Peer review process and (4) Final selection for publication.

1. Reception: It begins with the submission of manuscripts by the authors. The texts must be sent through this portal, after registration online, or in case of technical difficulties, to the e-mail of the journal. Along with the material, the author’s patrimonial rights and the declaration of originality must be sent. The texts presented must be original, unpublished, and not have been submitted to an arbitration process in another publication.

2. Initial review: The articles will be submitted, in the first instance, to a preliminary review by the Editor and the Editorial Board, who will examine the relevance of the document and compliance with the editorial guidelines.

After the confirmation of the basic requirements of form and relevance, the article goes to peer review process. In the case that a proposal does not meet these requirements, it will be returned to the authors so that the necessary adjustments are made and, if they wish, they can send it back.

This initial assessment process takes maximum 1 month.

3. Peer review process: In the case of the articles that meet these requirements, they will be sent, prior assignment by the Editor, to two (2) peer reviewers external to the publishing institution, experts in the subject or area related to the proposal of publication, in a double blind process, in which both authors and reviewers are unaware of each other's identities. Each article must be reviewed by two readers in order to weigh a final evaluation that leads to the respective editorial decision. In the cases in which the reviewers emit contradictory concepts, the article must be sent to a third one that defines the editorial decision.

The evaluation of proposals for publication by reviewers will have the following definitive concepts: approved, approved with modifications and not approved.

  • In case the proposal is approved without modifications, the author will be notified and the proposal will be included in the respective number.
  • In case that the pairs approve with modifications, their comments will be sent to the author through formal communication. The authors must expressly address the observations, suggestions and criticisms made; if the author disregards such recommendations, the editorial team of the journal, headed by the Editor, can propose the complete rejection of the paper. The corrections must be made within the term of ten (10) working days, counted from the day following the submission of the concept. After that period, if information is not received, it will be understood that the article has been withdrawn by the author of the process. If deemed appropriate, the author may request that the text remain for the next edition in order to establish a longer period to make the changes, which will be determined and communicated by the Editor.
  • In case of the article not being approved, the author will also be informed through formal communication.

The evaluation phase of the manuscripts (acceptance and / or rejection of them) takes approximately 6 months. In this period of time, the author will be notified of the editorial decision.

4. Final selection for publication: Articles that have successfully completed the process will be selected by the Editor for publication, which she will inform to the authors.

Publication Frequency

Campos en Ciencias Sociales journal declares a biannual periodicity, publishing two issues per year (January-June and July-December); These make up a volume that collects articles of free topic, framed in the social sciences. The first number is published on January 1st and the second number on July 1st of the respective year.

The journal receives articles for review and publication permanently, at any time of the year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public a free access to research helps to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.

Article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges

Campos en Ciencias Sociales journal does not charge any fees for the application, review and publication of the articles submitted.

The publication does not generate any cost for authors and readers, since Universidad Santo Tomás assumes the costs related to editing, management and publication. The review peers do not receive any economic compensation for their valuable contribution. The work of all the actors mentioned above is understood as a contribution to the strengthening and growth of the research community in the field of social sciences.

Publication Ethics

The authors are fully responsible for the ideas expressed in their articles, as well as their ethical suitability. Campos journal seeks to guarantee academic and research suitability, respecting the creation and work performed by the authors, through their evaluation processes, which seek to protect plurality and relativity of thought.


  •  The journal will only consider unpublished articles that correspond in to their content and structure to its editorial policies. If the author(s) submit to the journal a paper already published, entirely or in part, this behavior will be considered unethical.
  • It is the responsibility of the author to avoid any conflict of interest in the publication of data and results (financial, institutional, collaboration relationship or of any other kind between reviewers and authors).
  •  It is considered a good practice for the author to give the relevant credits to all people or institutions that have collaborated in the research projects in which work is based.
  •  It is the responsibility of the author(s) to respect the intellectual property, indicating and clearly referencing any fragment that is taken from the work of another author or authors in the construction of their work. If it is not done this way, it shall be considered as plagiarism and the paper will be rejected for publication.
  •  The selection and final approval of an article will depend on the academic opinion of the peers called upon in each case and the willingness of the authors to make the changes that are suggested as necessary, within an appropriate period of time, after consultation with the Editor of the journal of the time deemed necessary to make the adjustments.
  •  The peer review process of the journals is “double-blind," meaning that neither the authors nor the peers will know each other's identities. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the author to avoid any direct reference or hint about their identity within the body of the paper.
  •  The assessment process requires a policy of exclusivity. This means that the author or authors cannot simultaneously submit their work to another publication whilst in peer review process in Campos journal. If the authors make a double submission, this conduct will be considered unethical.
  •  The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the publication of any paper submitted, if it considers that it does not correspond to the academic nature of the journals or if the authors incur in any improper behavior, as the ones described above.
  •  The author fully accepts the editorial rules, criteria and procedures of the Journal.
  • The authors must sign a document of "assignment of patrimonial rights", which authorizes the use, reproduction, transformation, publication of the paper and distribution to the Publishing University. This document is essential to include the article in the Journal.
  • Sending the article to the Journal implies that the authors agree to submit their papers to the established processes, and their best collaboration to achieve its successful completion. Anyway, the Journal reserves the right to make minor style changes, without consulting the authors.
  •  If the author decides to withdraw the article or if any problems of authorship or conflict of interest arise that forces the Journal to stop the publishing process, the author must bear the costs incurred so far such as remuneration of time and the trust generated for the publication of the article.


  • Respect the confidentiality policy of the opinion of the articles set by the journal, which implies that the identity of the peer reviewers cannot be revealed to the authors and that they cannot make any distribution or dissemination of the materials submitted to their assessment.
  • Accept only papers that correspond to their education and their areas of expertise.
  •  Review the articles responsibly, objectively and impartially, sustaining with sufficient reasons the grounds for the rejection, likewise they should guide authors in the improvement of the paper submitted.
  •  Deliver a clearly explained assessment that adapts to the journal’s assessment format.
  •  Deliver a decision within the period agreed with the Editor.
  •  Use a clear, inoffensive, language respecting the authors in the assessment of their work.
  •  Report any conflict of interest identified at the time of assessment of the appointed paper.
  •  Identify and inform to the editor any coincidence of the document with any publication or ongoing work.
  • Maintain strict confidentiality in the evaluation of a manuscript and not disclose its content to third parties.


The participants in the editorial process, according to the established functions, are responsible for the definition, implementation and assessment of the Editorial Policies, so that they comply with the standards of an academic publication valued as scientific at national and international level.

The continuous self-assessment process is a fundamental principle of the editorial work, and therefore it has the structure and organization which ensures the quality and expectations of the academic community.

When the situation warrants, Campos journal will publish corrections, clarifications, rectifications and provide the relevant explanations. Thus, receiving complaints involves the response of the person in charge, within an appropriate period of time; initiating, if necessary, the internal investigations to solve the difficulties.

It is always sought, respecting, as far as possible, the dates of receipt, the selection of the most relevant articles for publication; based on the assessment and review processes established; which favor quality, originality and relevance – in addition to those that have been specifically indicated –.


  • Look after the reputation of the journal by publishing only unpublished, academic and scientifically relevant and quality material.
  •  Publish each number according to their periodicity.
  •  Make an assessment of the works received before sending them to the peer reviewers, to verify its adjustment to the "Author Guidelines" defined by the journal.
  •  To accept or reject the entries received based solely on anonymous opinions received from the peers (if they do not agree in their decision, the Editor, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee of the journal will make a final decision).
  •  Keep at all times mutual confidentiality in relation to both the authors and the peer reviewers.
  •  Provide clear and timely information to authors from the time of receipt of their articles and until when a decision has been taken.
  •  Conduct a transparent and impartial editing and publishing process, with full respect for the authors and their works.
  •  Be available to both authors and peer reviewers in order to clarify the questions that arise during the assessment and editing processes.
  •  Submit all the received papers through the anti-plagiarism software, in order to avoid as far as possible an accusation of plagiarism.
  •  Send to the publisher the full material for is editorial production in compliance with the requirements set by the publisher, ensuring the quality, relevance and accuracy of the content.

Campos en Ciencias Sociales journal accepts the COPE (Comittee of Ethics of Publications standards.

This international committee establishes that, when detecting plagiarism, self-plagiarism or any situation that transgresses the ethical norms of scientific publication, the journal must:
- reject the article
- communicate to the author of the plagiarism / self-plagiarism / situation
- communicate to the author's institution

Plagiarism detection

The articles received by the journal will be analyzed with the Turnitin software, in order to avoid plagiarism, duplicity or any unethical conduct in relation to the publication of the material submitted.

If the journal, at some point in the editorial process, finds falsification, omission of data, duplication of articles or plagiarism, the manuscript will be returned to the author immediately, and its institution, research center or university of origin will be notified.

Clause of originality and assignment of author's patrimonial rights

All authors and co-authors, at the time of submission of the article must send in electronic format, a signed originality declaration. No article may be submitted to the peer review process without the submission of such statement being made and its reception verified.

Once the articles have been selected for publication, the respective cession of patrimonial rights will be sent to the author or authors; which must be returned as soon as possible, signed, by electronic means to continue with the process.

If the rights have been previously transferred to a funding institution of the project, the authors must inform the entity and establish the respective authorization to assign the rights on the determined text, guaranteeing the non existence of conflict of interest between the Publisher institution and the one that funded the research, if different. In this sense, the cession of patrimonial rights sent to the journal will be understood as prevailing over any general or particular cession, and which is the author's obligation if it exists and to solve the incompatibilities that are generated


  • División de Ciencias Sociales
  • Facultad de Comunicación Social para la Paz
  • Facultad de Sociología
  • Facultad de Diseño Gráfico